Quarantining and “Pandemic Pounds”: How to Lose the Weight Fast

Since the emergence of COVID-19, people have been forced to stay at home to prevent the spread of the virus. With that being said, it’s caused lots of people to become sedentary, to say the least. But with the pandemic wreaking havoc on the lives of many, the one thing people still get to enjoy is takeout.

If there’s a business that has actually flourished since the emergence of the pandemic, it’s the restaurant industry. With the pandemic upon us, traditional restaurants have turned into QSRs, and business couldn’t be any better for them, especially for food delivery apps. According to marketwatch.com, the food delivery apps business has more than doubled since the pandemic.

While it’s good that those industries have flourished, do you know what that means for everyone else? It means that people have been ordering takeout more than they normally would… And that reason alone is one of the biggest contributors to the dreaded “pandemic pounds” that so many people have gained while being in quarantine.

If you’ve fallen prey to food delivery apps and gained noticeable weight over the course of the pandemic, here’s what you need to do to lose the weight fast.

How to Lose the Weight

How to Lose Your “Pandemic Pounds” Fast

Start a Juice Cleanse

If you want to lose weight fast, sometimes you have to be aggressive with your efforts, and going on a juice cleanse will do just that. With juice cleanses, you’re consuming nothing but juices, and in doing that, you’re ridding your body of toxins from the bad foods you were consuming from all that takeout and mindlessly eating junk food.

Drink Lots of Water

By drinking lots of water, we mean cut out sodas, coffee, and any other sugary drinks. In addition to juice cleansing, water will also help flush out those bad toxins in your body. Plus, you’ll lose any water weight you may have as well, which will, in turn, help you shed those pandemic pounds too!

Start Exercising

Exercising is key to losing weight, in addition to a well-balanced diet, and if you’re going to do the juice cleanse, adding light exercising to your routine will most definitely get rid of that weight fast. But take your exercises slow. You don’t want to start out with intense workouts because you can exhaust yourself.

When changing our eating habits, your body’s natural reaction will be to lose weight, so start with light workouts because the change in your eating habits alone will shed the weight already.

These methods will help you lose weight fast, but when you’re ready to come off your juice cleanse, slowly ween yourself off the cleanse by incorporating solid foods back into your diet. For instance, start with two juice cleanses a day and one solid food meal for a week. The next week, one juice cleanse and two solid meals a day, etc.

Do this until you are completely back on solid foods, just make sure the foods you’re consuming are part of a well-balanced diet. And even when you’re back on solid foods, you can still drink the juice cleanses as often as you want for meal replacements.

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About the Author: Alex

Alex Jones is a writer and blogger who expresses ideas and thoughts through writings. He loves to get engaged with the readers who are seeking for informative content on various niches over the internet. He is a featured blogger at various high authority blogs and magazines in which He is sharing research-based content with the vast online community.

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