What Makes Your Facebook Profile Stand Out Among Others

A personal page on Facebook or any other social network is an effective networking and promotion tool. Two factors that affect performance are the quality of the page (content) maintenance and the quality of the layout. Today we’ll tell you what to consider when designing your page.

Whether you are looking to attract customers, build an HR brand, sell a product, or improve your media level, it is very important to design your Facebook page correctly. This social network allows you to create not only a personal account but also a public page. In this article, we will discuss a personal account page.

You can create quality content and run ads. But there is something that is done for free and without much effort. And that will immediately grab the attention of customers. We’re talking about catchy page design. This page design might be created by yourself with help of different tools as easy as you may create a thumbnail with a youtube thumbnail maker.

Facebook Profile

Profile Header

The profile header is what people see when they first visit your profile. It is important to give visitors as much information as possible, thanks to which they will understand what you are doing and build their associative array.

  • Cover. You can place any image on it, but it is better not to use family photos and pictures from the Internet. Or design a unique cover, or choose a quality photo that is related to your work. The cover is the face of the page, so choose high-quality photos for it. Facebook recommends using PNG images. To make the background look good on high-resolution screens, upload images larger than 820×312px. In any case, pay attention to the proportions and make sure that nothing unnecessary is cut off on the desktop and mobile versions.
  • Profile avatar. There should be a high-quality portrait photo in this place. Without other people, not in full growth, without an overabundance of graphics. You should be perceived by this photo in the comments and entries.
  • Biography. It is worth writing briefly about your activities here. Imagine that you need to introduce yourself in just 2-3 words. After reading these phrases, a person should get answers to two questions: what do you do, and why it is worth following you.

Brief Information

In this block, you need to fill in the background information about yourself as much as possible. Thanks to this data and the number of mutual friends, we can get into the list of recommended pages. In addition to background information, you can add your interests. Below there is a block with selected photos. You shouldn’t leave it empty either, upload your favorite photos or those that vividly reflect the essence of your activity.

To edit this information, we have 3 sections:

  • edit information;
  • edit hobbies;
  • edit the current one.

Life Events

Facebook has interesting functionality which is called life events. It was created so that you can share with the audience the key events in your life. Next, we will be able to view the chronology of all these changes. To add a new event to the page, you must click on the plus button (create) and select “Life event”.

Page Subscriptions

Facebook has a limit on the number of friends, you can add no more than 5,000 friends to your account. For many, this figure is reasonably small. Facebook made it possible to subscribe to your updates without adding users as friends.

Page Publications

Content is the most important component of an expert profile on Facebook. We will not discuss how to properly maintain a page or write content within the framework of this article, but we have some tips that will help to increase the number of friends and subscribers.

  • The content on the page should not consist mainly of reposts and images (quotes, jokes, photo selections, announcements).
  • Reposting someone else’s content and site pages should be done exclusively with your own commentary on the repost.
  • Make posts about your activity and related to it. After going to your profile, a person should understand that you are the author of unique thematic content.
  • Communicate in the comments and answer questions from the audience. A sociable profile makes you want to subscribe more.

How to Check your Facebook Profile Design

  1. Profile avatar (photo).
  2. Unique profile cover.
  3. The presence of a biography.
  4. Place of work and position filled.
  5. Completed education data.
  6. The city of residence is full.
  7. Added links to personal sites.
  8. Page subscribers are enabled and displayed.
  9. There is information about a hobby.
  10. There are actual photographs.
  11. Added life events.
  12. Your page contains different content in your posts.

Page Design Features That Helps to Stand Out

  • Brightness and memorability. For users to pay attention to your business page among the “business cards” of competing companies posted on Facebook, its design must be effective and expressive.
  • Unified style. Each of the design elements of the Facebook page must correspond to the approved identity.
  • Compliance. It is necessary to comply with the Facebook requirements for the appearance of the avatar and the cover on the page (the size of the cover for the Facebook business page allows the image to be displayed correctly on different types of devices).

What Gives the Uniqueness of the Facebook Profile Design

  • Detachment from competitors. The modern and non-standard design of posts on Facebook makes your personal page stand out from the rest and attracts the attention of users.
  • Increase in the number of subscribers. It is unlikely that a visitor will want to immediately close a page with interesting visual content, rather the opposite: visitors will have a desire to subscribe to it and follow the updates in the feed.
  • Conversion growth. A catchy cover and profile design for a Facebook page help turn many users into real followers.
  • Increasing brand awareness. The custom design of the Facebook page, which includes the logo, corporate colors, and fonts, contributes to easier brand memorability and recognition.


The success of your SMM depends, among other things, on the correct design of the page. What do you need to do to increase brand awareness on Facebook and increase conversions?

  • Make sure your avatar is clear and colorful.
  • Create a catchy profile cover.
  • Develop a unique identity for posts.

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About the Author: Alex

Alex Jones is a writer and blogger who expresses ideas and thoughts through writings. He loves to get engaged with the readers who are seeking for informative content on various niches over the internet. He is a featured blogger at various high authority blogs and magazines in which He is sharing research-based content with the vast online community.

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