Behind The Scenes of Video Advertising

Because of the rise of companies like Google and Facebook, there has never been a greater demand for video marketing. Video advertising campaigns are often considered to be more effective than simple image-based campaigns because people tend to be more inclined to watch videos than to stay on and read text on an image.

With that in mind, you have to make sure that not only your video advertising campaigns target the right audience, but they immediately grab the attention of the viewer and get your message across as quickly and as profoundly as possible. So what does it take to get something like this rolling? Here is a quick guide on the video advertising production process and how you can work your magic with them.

Video Advertising

Define Your Target Audience

The first step that goes into creating the perfect video advertising campaign is of course defining the target audience for the video. This is essential because when you create a video advertisement — you have to set a very specific tone and send a very specific message. You cannot expect your video to be effective if you don’t even know who the video is intended for.

If you are creating a video ad for a high-street fashion brand you do not want your video to seem casual and bereft of prestige. If you are doing a video ad campaign for a truck company, you do not want the video to take on a very posh tone. It is that simple, know who you are selling to.

Clearly Define Your Message

Now that you know who the message behind the video is intended for, the only thing you need now is — the message. If you have accomplished the difficult task of gaining the viewer’s attention because you properly defined your audience, now you have to do the even more difficult task of explaining to the viewer why he or she should care.

One of the earliest adopters of video advertising, especially in the e-commerce domain, is the cosmetics industry. If you take a look at the video advertising campaigns of the cosmetics retail brand Sephora, it is very clear that the message is that you should allow yourself to be distinguished by buying their products. If you take a look at the video campaigns of Blue Mercury, on the other hand, the message is that beauty is accessible to the everyday woman.

Lights, Camera, Action!

Now that you have both your target audience and your message the only thing left is to make sure that your video is technically perfect. You should find the right models for your video and make sure that the models that you work with cover a wider demographic. This is where diversity could be your best tool. After all, the most effective video advertising campaigns can make audience members feel that they are the ones being portrayed by the video, so you do not want to rely on a single demographic.

You have to make sure that the point comes across at the very beginning of the video so that the viewer will know immediately what the video is about, you need to expound on the point and you need to be very specific when it comes to getting the point across — use the right examples and depict the most relatable scenarios.

As you can probably tell by now, creating the ideal video ads is definitely not an easy task. It requires a lot of planning on your part and you need to be able to execute in a very limited amount of time. This is especially true if you are a newer company and you cannot afford to pay to have longer ads run on different platforms.

Play your cards right by keeping these guidelines in mind and your ads have a real shot at being profound and highly profitable!

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About the Author: Alex

Alex Jones is a writer and blogger who expresses ideas and thoughts through writings. He loves to get engaged with the readers who are seeking for informative content on various niches over the internet. He is a featured blogger at various high authority blogs and magazines in which He is sharing research-based content with the vast online community.

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