Should All Women See their Gynaecologist Regularly?

We tend to visit medical professionals only when we must, and that’s understandable. However, that is the wrong approach to healthcare in general, especially if we are discussing gynaecological health. There are certain aspects of female physiology which should be monitored periodically to ensure your long-term wellbeing.

Since most of the necessary checkups and medical tests are conducted, ordered, and interpreted by a gynaecologist, regular visits are indeed recommended. Read on to know what purpose these checkups serve and what kind of health complications women can avoid with regular checkups.

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Sexual Wellness

If you are thinking about conceiving, it is of the utmost importance that you consult with a gynaecologist before you go through with it. The reasons why it’s important are varied, but a few important ones can be pointed out for an easier explanation.

A gynaecologist will be able to tell you in advance if there are any chances of a pregnancy related complication, as well as how high those chances are. After that, they will also tell you how the potential complications can be mitigated with preventative measures If you have been trying for a while without success. Or in case you have had a miscarriage before, the gynae should be able to tell you why, after getting a few test results.

Solution to Infertility

Fertility clinics have come a long way and there are very few obstacles in the path of pregnancy that women cannot overcome with a good gynaecologist’s help. For a comprehensive and discreet sexual health and fertility checkup, visit this private gynaecology clinic London.

In case there is nothing wrong with your sexual or reproductive health, it’s also a very important revelation that you should be able to approach your partner with. There are plenty of solutions that your partner should also be able to make use of, but they may need to visit a male fertility clinic.

Cervical Screening (Pap Smear)

Certain strains of the human papilloma virus are known for mutating cervical cells, which ultimately leads to cervical cancer. Cervical screening, aka pap smear, or the smear test is a medical examination where a small sample of cervical cells are collected to check for the presence of high-risk HPVs, as well as HPV-induced cell mutations in the cervix.

If none of the risky human papillomavirus strains are found, then you won’t need to worry about cervical screening for at least five years from that date. The good news is that even if a dangerous strain of HPV is found, alongside the kind of cell damage that causes cervical cancer, it is possible in most cases to prevent further cell mutation. If these signs are detected at an early stage, it is quite possible to prevent cervical cancer by starting treatment immediately after.

To answer the main question, one would have to conclude that all women between the ages of 21 – 65 should visit their gynaecologists for regular checkups. However, the definition of “regular” will vary widely from woman to woman, depending on their physical condition and medical requirements. Even if you have no immediate medical urgency, try to see your gynae once a year to keep it that way.

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About the Author: Alex

Alex Jones is a writer and blogger who expresses ideas and thoughts through writings. He loves to get engaged with the readers who are seeking for informative content on various niches over the internet. He is a featured blogger at various high authority blogs and magazines in which He is sharing research-based content with the vast online community.

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