9 Home Renovation Tips and Tricks

Home renovation projects can seem daunting, but with careful planning and preparation, they don’t have to be. Updating and upgrading your home through renovations can greatly improve your quality of life and the value of your property. So, whether you’re doing a full home remodel or just sprucing up a few rooms, following some tried and true tips can help ensure your project goes smoothly.  

Home Renovation Tips

1. Set a Realistic Budget

Creating a realistic budget is the critical first step when planning any renovation project. Take time to thoroughly research costs and set a budget that fits comfortably within your financial means. Being disciplined about not overspending will prevent major stress down the road. Gather detailed quotes from at least three reputable contractors. Itemize the costs of materials, labor, permits, fees, and contingencies.

Pad the budget with a 10-15% contingency fund to cover unforeseen issues like repairing drywall damage, plumbing problems, extra inspections, and other incidentals. Renovation projects often end up costing more than originally planned. Setting a realistic budget upfront provides a healthy financial buffer.

2. Hire the Right Contractor

Vetting contractors thoroughly is crucial for ensuring your renovation goes smoothly. Take time to research options and ask the right questions to find someone truly qualified for your specific project. When doing your research, consider reputable names with a proven track record, such as Delerio Construction. They have extensive experience in giving customers tailored solutions that meet their unique needs and visions.

Discuss timelines, payment schedules, change order policies, and other contact details. Sign a comprehensive contract clearly outlining every agreed-upon aspect before work begins.

3. Plan Your Storage Strategy

Renovation projects inevitably involve some degree of demolition, displacement, and downsizing as parts of your home become inaccessible or unlivable during certain phases. Planning for where to store your belongings is essential to minimize headaches.

Sort through each room that will be impacted and decide what can be donated, sold, or disposed of to declutter. Keep only the essentials accessible during the renovation, such as clothes, toiletries, medications, and pet supplies. If possible, pack several suitcases to stay with nearby family or friends for a less disruptive experience.

4.  Prepare for Mess and Noise

Embarking on home renovations inevitably involves dealing with dust, debris, and noise daily once the work begins. While it may seem daunting, being mentally prepared and taking some advanced precautions can help minimize frustration when the mess and disruption arise.

Several weeks before the renovation starts, have the carpets professionally cleaned and then removed entirely to avoid damage during construction. Empty rooms as much as possible – having fewer furnishings and belongings exposed will mean less cleaning required later. Be prepared for the constant noise levels during work hours. Having realistic expectations ahead of time can help everyone cope with the disruption.

5. Organize Your Paperwork

Renovation projects involve a dizzying amount of paperwork – from initial floorplans and quotes to change orders, invoices, selections, warranties, and more. Getting organized early on and maintaining diligent record-keeping throughout the process is invaluable for keeping your project on track.

Set up a simple filing system dedicated solely to renovation paperwork. Use folders and binders to neatly categorize documents such as budgets, contracts, receipts, specs, communications, and schedules. This ensures important paperwork does not get misplaced and is easy to reference when needed. Maintaining meticulous records minimizes potential misunderstandings and miscommunications, allowing the project to run much more smoothly.

6. Stick to Your Timeline

Creating a realistic renovation schedule is key, but diligently sticking to the timeline once the work begins is equally important for keeping the project on track. When initially mapping out phases and setting target dates, be sure to build in some wiggle room. Home improvement projects often take longer than initially estimated.

Have open communication with your contractor about the agreed-upon timeline and expect updates on any changes that arise. Be as flexible as possible if certain stages end up requiring more time than originally anticipated. Keep in mind other factors like permitting, inspections, and material delivery can also cause delays.

7. Inspect Work Before Payment

It is standard procedure to pay a portion of the total project cost upfront before demolition even begins. However, hold off on making subsequent payments until personally inspecting each stage of the job and being fully satisfied with the quality and completeness.

Schedule walk-throughs after major phases like framing, rough mechanicals, drywall, trim, and finishes. Consider hiring a knowledgeable third-party inspector to provide an unbiased evaluation, especially if you feel unsure about aspects of the work. They can detect issues you may overlook. Verify all permits and inspections have been done before releasing additional payments.

8.  Document Before and After

It is easy to forget how far the space has come during a renovation project. Taking ample before and after photos and videos provides an invaluable visual record of the dramatic transformation. This documentation will be appreciated for years to come.

Capture images of the space from multiple angles before any demolition begins. As work progresses, continue documenting with photos and video walk-throughs. Once the renovation is complete, the photos will help you remember how dated and dysfunctional the space used to be. You will be amazed looking back at early demolition pictures compared to the beautiful finished product.

9.  Add Personal Touches

While renovations typically focus on structural changes and major improvements, don’t forget to infuse personality through thoughtful finishing touches. These personal details will make the new space truly feel like home. Upgrade lighting fixtures to your desired style, whether sleek and modern or classic and ornate. Paint one accent wall in your favorite bold color for added flair.

Add whimsical built-ins like a window seat, chalkboard wall, or reclaimed wood shelves. Help each family member customize their bedroom or bathroom. Select plumbing fixtures, cabinet hardware, and flooring in finishes you find appealing. Incorporating personal touches throughout the renovation results in a space that reflects your unique taste. 


Renovating your home is a major undertaking but incredibly rewarding when completed. Being prepared both logistically and mentally will ensure the process goes as smoothly as possible. Follow these tips to create an efficient renovation plan, choose the right contractors, stick to your budget, minimize stress, and end up with your dream home. With realistic expectations, patience, and care, you can have the home renovation experience you desire.

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About the Author: Alex

Alex Jones is a writer and blogger who expresses ideas and thoughts through writings. He loves to get engaged with the readers who are seeking for informative content on various niches over the internet. He is a featured blogger at various high authority blogs and magazines in which He is sharing research-based content with the vast online community.

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