Banana Health Benefits

Banana Health Benefits: Bananas are among the very commonly consumed fruits on the planet for good reason. Some scientists think the banana could have even become the first fruit in the world. Now, bananas are ranked fourth among the planet’s food crops in monetary value and are grown in at least 107 states. Americans have more bananas than oranges and apples joined.

With so many bananas being consumed by the world, it’s unsurprising that folks are asking the question: are bananas good for you? This informative article is going to have a look at the potential health benefits of bananas, for example, lowering the dangers of asthma and cancer, lowering blood pressure, enhancing heart health and encouraging regularity. In addition, it analyzes the potential health hazards related to them.

Health benefits of Banana

Banana Health Benefits For Kids 

Filled with vitamins, minerals, and fiber, bananas provide some important nutrients to the body. Bananas come as a versatile fruit and are loved by both adults and children. They are an excellent source of energy and can be eaten as a whole, sliced to make a fruit salad or mashed as baby food.


Nutritional Worth

Potassium: Bananas are rich in potassium, a mineral vital for healthy heart, kidney, muscle, and digestive system.

Vitamin C: Vitamin C is well-known for its antioxidant properties. Additionally, it is needed in the formation of hemoglobin, absorption of iron and the formation of collagen.

Vitamin B6: It so keeps healthy rates of blood sugar within the body and converts carbohydrates to glucose.

Fiber: Bananas contain. Soluble fibers also aid in weight reduction.

Modulates Bowel Movements-Bananas include pectin that is a soluble fiber which helps to regulate bowel movements. Individuals who have problems with constipation should eat bananas.

Better Brain Power: Research shows that kids who ate bananas at least 3 times a day performed within their examinations. Potassium abundant bananas help improve brain power in kids.

Great for the Heart: Bananas contain sufficient potassium which helps put a stop to muscle cramps and other heart diseases.

Better Eyesight: Individuals who consume bananas often have a lower prevalence of eyesight difficulties. Bananas help secure our eyesight.

Relieve Symptoms of Ulcer: Peptic ulcer is the most frequent form of ulcer.
Control Blood Sugar- help patient’s diabetes and blood sugar issues and Bananas help to control the sweet tooth.

Bananas Contain Three Kinds of Natural Sugars: Glucose, Fructose, and Sucrose. When joined with fiber; these natural sugars supply immediate and considerable energy to our body. Make bananas part of the routine diet of your family.

Banana Health of Benefits for Skin

Who understood the poor banana offers many attractiveness gains for skin! Rich in strong antioxidants, photo-chemicals and wetness, banana smoothen rough aging skin in addition to will nourish and revitalize dry skin. For those who have acne-pro skin that is greasy, you may use bananas to reduce further breakouts and oil control.

What Makes Banana So Good For Skin?

Banana is enormous; it is not just for skin although in general health too. There are a lot of powerful nutrients in the banana that make it the perfect supplement to your all-natural face mask! Some of these comprise:

Skin Moisturizer: Rich in dampness and potassium, banana hydrates and moisturizes skin that is dry, which makes it supple and soft. Just apply a banana face mask on your own face in case your skin is dry and peeling. Get a little bowl, mash up a ripe banana with all the rear of your fork and use avoiding the region all-around mouth and your eye. Rinse with cold water and revel in the soft feel of your skin!

Oil management: In the event that you have got greasy skin that is fatty, make use of a straightforward banana face mask with honey and lemon juice. It includes and also includes potassium, wetness and vitamins e and c which all encourage clear skin that is radiant. Rinse off using chilly water or a wet cloth.

Anti-aging: Bananas, also called the Botox of Nature to include a superb wrinkle-fighting nutrient which helps fade age spots from forming preventing fine lines and wrinkles. Coupled with other wrinkle breaking kitchen ingredients, you exfoliate can gradually nourish and shield skin that is mature. Slather on a thick layer of a strong antiaging banana face mask comprising 1 teaspoon heavy yogurt, 1 teaspoon orange juice and one mashed banana.

Treat Acne: Banana and banana peels re superb homemade remedies. It is possible to apply the interior of a banana peel on your acne destroy bacteria and to lessen inflammation. When it is perhaps dark spots which make your face dull, miniature moles, age spots or acne scars, it is possible to reduce them two times weekly, and outside general skin discolorations mashed banana on your face.

Banana Health Benefits for Weight Loss:

Gaining weight or slimming down depends on just how much you really take in. Should you consume only bananas and virtually nothing, you slim down, but it is possible to gain weight when you eat eight to ten bananas a day, apart from having routine meals.

Our body needs crabs for smooth body function and extra carbs may lead to weight gain. Bananas can also be loaded with minerals, vitamins, and fiber. They additionally include pectin, which leaves you feeling fuller for an extended time. This makes bananas ideal for just about any weight reduction program. Bananas possess a low glycemic index, which likewise helps in weight reduction. Eating bananas aid in restraining increased blood glucose levels in the entire body. Research suggests that bananas can in fact be a perfect fit in your weight loss diet strategy. This additionally meets your sweet tooth and fruit it sweet.

Healthful Weight Gain

Bananas happen to be an age old fix for weight gain. Being packaged with calories they assist in weight gain that was healthful. The most effective method would be to integrate banana milkshakes. They’re also rich plus bone disorders are prevented by them.

Banana Health Benefits During Pregnancy

Giving birth to a new life is one of the exquisite encounters in this world. It is because of this fact that a woman when she knows she’s pregnant, may become over-aware of her diet and workout routine. Fruits and veggies assist in the healthy growth of the fetus. Banana is one fruit girls should consider. You might still be skeptical about taking banana during pregnancy. If the fruit would actually be beneficial for your own infant you’d be wondering. Is banana good during pregnancy, you ask? Relax and read on, we say!

Anemia: Among the prenatal problems that are most popular is anemia, which might lead to complications even and during later phases of pregnancy during childbirth.

This is beaten by regular consumption of diet full of iron and iron abundant fruits and vegetables. Banana is among the truly amazing resources of iron which every girl should have. This will hasten iron by reducing anemic symptoms and creating hemoglobin.

Calcium: It’s well known that calcium is necessary for the growth of the skeleton system and bones in grownups along with kids. Consequently, it’s essential for healthy bone growth of your youngster that is growing and for that reason it should be frequently consumed by you.


This is all about Banana Health Benefits for Kids, Skin, Hair, and Weight Loss, Pregnancy – If you having any more queries then do let us know through comment.

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About the Author: Robin

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