10 Tips When Buying Prescription Drugs

Purchasing prescription drugs is a common task for people who maintain medication. Dropping into a pharmacy and buying the meds you need is a walk in the park that won’t take over 10 minutes. But unfortunately, due to the relatively easy and ordinary nature of the task, we fail to take particular measures to ensure that we are purchasing effective and safe drugs.

We take medications to help improve our health. However, if we take unsafe medicine or even the wrong dosage, we might do more harm than good to our bodies. Thus, exerting extra caution when purchasing medicine is a must. With that said, here are some important precautions to take heed from:

Prescription Drugs

Know the Active Ingredient

It is essential to know the active ingredients of the medication you need to take. While most manufacturers use the same active ingredient for a similar drug, they still possess slightly varying packaging, formulation, color, or taste. If all else fails, consult with your doctor. Furthermore, it is also best to carry a prescription that contains your physician’s contact information.

Bring Your Latest Prescription

Bring the most recent prescription you have when purchasing prescription medicine. Pharmacists need to check your prescription from the doctor’s signature to the letterhead. In addition, pharmacists check the dosage, generic name, and brand name of the drug to avoid dispensing the wrong medicine and amount.

Getting the wrong dosage or medicine may bring unfortunate consequences to your body. Thus, they must check the prescription thoroughly. Before the drug specialist dispenses the medication, s/he will likewise check the damages on the packaging and the expiration date to ensure s/he is giving a high-quality and safe product.

Check the Price

Always check the price of the medication you are about to purchase to make sure you are not overpaying for a drug. Before going to the pharmacy, do a quick search on how a particular medication typically costs. Although medication prices usually vary from pharmacy to pharmacy, make sure that the ones you buy are not too far off from the price stated online.

Check for Discounts and Special Services

Drug stores are similar to retail outlets in guaranteeing a decent experience for clients while purchasing their products. You might have seen the services and offers in both online and physical pharmacies. The promotions you see include loyalty programs or discounts for clients.

Some services also employ free door-to-door delivery and varying payment alternatives through primary payment outlets. You can also avail of these discounts and services from third-party sites. In fact, a lot of individuals got savings from BuzzRx discounts. Ensure you are not passing up these options!

Ensure the Pharmacy Has Proper Storage Conditions

To guarantee the efficacy and quality of the meds you are going to purchase, ensure that the pharmacy conforms to appropriate storage conditions. Note that the drug store ought to be well ventilated, clean, and dry.

Do Not Self Medicate

Do not self-medicate. Ask your doctor first prior to purchasing medications since s/he knows your health records. In addition, some drugs may cause unfavorable effects on your body.

Another alternative is to let the drug specialist speak with your doctor to confirm the available medications you can take. Once the pharmacist checks the meds suitable for you, s/he will later talk to you about how to correctly take and store your medications.

Check the Packaging

Never take a drug that has a broken seal or a damaged packaging. Always check the packaging before leaving the counter. Although drug stores usually give out medications with no damage whatsoever, it is better to check for yourself, just in case the pharmacist fails to notice some disfigurations.

The main indication of a potentially damaged medicine is its packaging seems puffed up or worn.

Check the Manufacturing and Expiration Date

Whenever we purchase things we consume, we usually check the expiration date. But, unfortunately, we usually fail to check the product’s date of manufacture.

For example, you buy a drug that expires a year from your date of purchase. However, its date of manufacture was three years before. Given the storage and climatic conditions, there’s a high possibility that it is not safe to take the drug when it’s close to its expiry date.

Be Mindful of Online Transactions

Due to the pandemic, it’s more convenient than ever to use online services instead of walk-ins. However, you need to exert extra caution regarding non-pharma online medication providers as they may be selling counterfeit medicines.

Only purchase medicine from authorized sellers, websites who require a prescription when purchasing medication. Another alternative is to message or call your pharmacy of choice in advance, so you limit your time inside the drug store when you need to get your medications.

Get a Bill or Receipt

Regardless of whether you’re a regular at a specific pharmacy, always request a receipt after buying your meds.

A receipt or bill puts some level of accountability to the pharmacy for the products you buy. Furthermore, if your health care coverage plan provides a domiciliary cover, you’ll require the receipts for repayment.

To Wrap It Up

Buying medicine is a relatively common and easy task. As a result, we usually don’t regard it as something we need to prepare for thoroughly. However, purchasing medications and using them directly impact our health in the long run. Thus, we need to take a few measures to ensure that we consume safe and effective medications.

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About the Author: Alex

Alex Jones is a writer and blogger who expresses ideas and thoughts through writings. He loves to get engaged with the readers who are seeking for informative content on various niches over the internet. He is a featured blogger at various high authority blogs and magazines in which He is sharing research-based content with the vast online community.

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