The Ultimate 8 Tips to Help You Pass Probation Successfully

Probation is often viewed as a stressful phase by new employees. After all, probation is a designated time frame during which a newly hired employee becomes acquainted with and integrates into the company.

During the probation period, the company will see and evaluate whether the employee is suitable for the job and company culture. Usually, probation is carried out for three months.  However, this rule will depend on each company’s policy.

If a new employee passes probation, they will legally become a permanent employee. Unfortunately according to research, at least 18% of employees have failed their probation period. However, there’s no need to worry. With a few helpful tips on successfully navigating probation, you can smoothly make your way through this period.

Tips to Help You Pass Probation

1. Be on time

The first tip so that you can pass your probation period is to be on time. Remember that your boss always records when you come and go to the office. Because it reflects your attitude of professionalism as a worker. Leave your place so you can come to the office on time and make a good and professional impression.

2. Create a good first impression

A proverb says, “Don’t judge a book by its cover.” However, this fact is not always the truth. After all, if you are undergoing probation. Probation is the perfect time to make a good first impression. Before your onboarding date, it might be best to start shopping for professional attire such as a blazer, shirt, or formal dress to ensure you can look professional and stylish at all times. Dressing professionally will help to significantly improve how others perceive you.

You should be a friendly, open, active, and responsible kind of person during your probation. By creating a good first impression, you will easily socialize and work with other colleagues. Keep in mind that whatever you do during probation, will be assessed by your manager and human resources team.

3. Start networking

The second tip for passing probation is to build networking. Building networking is very useful for someone who is in the probation period.  Not only useful during probation, but networking will also provide excellent benefits when later you become a permanent employee.

You can start by getting to know your teammates better. Getting to know each other doesn’t have to always be in formal situations, you can also do so in informal situations, such as by having lunch together.

4. Don’t hesitate to ask

If you don’t know much about your job description or other work-related things, you must not hesitate to ask your manager or other coworkers. It’s natural for you to ask questions, after all, you just joined the company. Staff who do not hesitate to ask will usually earn plus points in the eyes of their manager and HR team. Because they are seen as people who actively seek feedback.

5. Proactive

The next tip to pass probation is to be proactive. An employee must be proactive in expressing ideas, creating interesting ideas, and taking actions that advance the company. For example, when you have completed your responsibilities long before the set deadline, you can ask your boss about other things you can do. This move will be greatly appreciated by your manager, as you will be seen as a proactive employee.

6. Able to manage time wisely

As a new employee, you may be surprised by the workload given. Not to mention you might be a little shocked with the work cycle in your new company. To be able to finish all of your work tasks before the deadline, you should have a great ability to manage time wisely. Manage your time as best as possible so that all work can be completed on time. This is a great point to earn for passing probation.

7. Ask for feedback

The probation period is a great time to regularly ask for feedback. Asking for feedback from your supervisor or manager helps you find out what things you can do to continue to grow and correct mistakes. This will also let the company know that you are dedicated to your role.

When you’re not sure whether you’re meeting the company’s expectations or not, don’t hesitate to ask your supervisor what things you can try to improve. This will form open communication between you and him.  Of course, this will build your positive reputation in the company.

During the probation period, generally, you will have a workload that is not as large as other workers. Of course, this allows you to complete work faster than others. Even so, this is not a reason for you to be lazy. Instead, be proactive and ask if there is anything else you can do to help. This will impress your boss and co-workers and make your efforts to pass probation smoother.

8. Take care of yourself

The last tip to be able to pass probation is to take care of yourself. The probation period can be one of the things that stress you out. This has the risk of harming your work performance. Therefore, make sure to take care of yourself during the probation period by following this below:

  • Maintain work-life balance
  • Practicing stress management techniques such as meditation
  • Rest and maintain eating and sleeping patterns
  • Maintain a positive mindset

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About the Author: Alex

Alex Jones is a writer and blogger who expresses ideas and thoughts through writings. He loves to get engaged with the readers who are seeking for informative content on various niches over the internet. He is a featured blogger at various high authority blogs and magazines in which He is sharing research-based content with the vast online community.

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