Salary Negotiation Tips

Picture this. You have kept your fingers crossed on the d-day. It is the day of your final job interview round and you have prepared well for it. You go there and it is a smooth sailing for you all the way. The final discussion with the going to be boss and the human resource executive is left and once you have done well in it, your job is as good as confirmed. You go in and after a few questions you are asked about your salary expectations and told about the package. The package they offer you is not enough to make you happy. You are not content with it.

salary negotiation tips

Salary Negotiation tips on Your Job

To start off your negotiating spree, a bit of research about the company and the market value of the position you are interested in. Knowing your worth and what you deserve too is very important. Here is what you can do.

Don’t Let Them Know

Keeping somethings to yourself and spilling the beans at the right time is essential. The point is when you write the cover letter avoid mentioning the salary amount in it. Works both ways. Your application is not rejected because you have asked for a lot money, for starters. On the other hand, if the prospective employers have a good package for you, more than what you are expecting, you do not lose out on that. How to negotiate pay involves this as a very significant aspect.

Diplomatically and Politically Speaking

Till the time you are sure to get the job, be diplomatic. Even if you are asked about the salary, politely and adroitly change the topic or ask for it to be left for later. This will give you the advantage and you will call the shots as you will know then that they have offered you a job. The employers will at least need to consider the deal and you can negotiate salary offer. Regarding how to negotiate salary holding and salary negotiation tactics a trump card like this will always be helpful.

Don’t Jump and Blink

Don’t jump with joy if the offer is great or blink if the offer is low. See what is the deal and how is it presented. Listen to what salary and the overall package is. Nod and make it clear that you are giving an intent hearing and consideration. However, avoid saying anything at that juncture. In the moments of you considering the offer, if they have given you a flimsy offer, the offer can surely get better in those few moments. That is how you negotiate salary after job offer. Check out some more salary negotiation tips on the Internet or talk to seasoned campaigners regarding this.

Haste Makes Waste

Avoid rushing into things. Think of all the aspects associated with the job and the overall inklings you get from it. Even if the offer is lucrative, give it a thorough thought. For knowing how to negotiate salary this is a must remember.

Once you have done your homework with these basic things and have got to know about salary ranges for jobs, other things will automatically fall in place. Still, here are some things to conclude this discussion on salary negotiation.

Some More Salary Negotiation Tips

These are some last minute tips before you go into that intimidating room where your prospective boss might be stationed!

  • Politely decline the offer if it is unsatisfactory. At the same time be eager and enthusiastic.
  • Get to know about possible perks and benefits and tricks to increase your salary.
  • Lying about the past salary is a big no no.
  • Make sure you make them understand how capable and qualified you are for the position, without being over confident and snobbish.
  • Always negotiate face to face and never in any other way.

Last, but not the least, a cardinal rule in the art of salary negotiation and in how to negotiate salary letter is to believe in yourself and be open!

How to negotiate salary is all about not being hasty and getting to understand every aspect of the package. Believe in what you deserve, but never ever, till the end let the employers know what you are thinking about! All the best!

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About the Author: Alex

Alex Jones is a writer and blogger who expresses ideas and thoughts through writings. He loves to get engaged with the readers who are seeking for informative content on various niches over the internet. He is a featured blogger at various high authority blogs and magazines in which He is sharing research-based content with the vast online community.

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