The Best Way to Win a Modification Case For Child Support

A modification for child support can happen when one parent starts to earn more money, one loses their job, or there’s a change in child care expenses. No matter the reason to request a modification, it is important to make sure it’s done right. Use the steps below to make sure you’re doing it right and to have a better chance of the modification being approved. 

Child Support case

Work With an Attorney

It’s always a good idea to work with an attorney when you’re doing anything with the court system. They know the system inside and out, they know how to make sure the modification is proposed properly, and they can help you with any questions you might have about the process or the chance of success. Before doing anything else, hire a child support attorney and let them help you through the process so you can win the modification. 

Show Evidence of Timesharing

If there has been a significant change in the parenting plan, it can impact the child support payments. Make sure you record when the child is with each parent, how much time they spend, and other details as needed. Keep this as factual as possible. Many people find it’s easier to create a calendar just for writing down notes about who the child is with and how long they’re there, as they can easily flip through and write down the details when it’s needed for court.

Provide Proof of Income

If the modification is being requested based on a change of income, it’s crucial to bring in evidence of this. The evidence can include paystubs, a new contract for work with salary information, bank statements, and more. Make sure the pertinent information is highlighted if possible so it’s easy to see the income. It may not be possible to obtain proof of income for the other parent, but if there is evidence of them accepting a new job or getting a raise, bring that in, too. 

Have Receipts for Expenses

It’s not necessary to have receipts for every little thing. However, if there are any expenses related to the child that are unusual or higher than average, it’s a good idea to bring in receipts. This could include healthcare costs, for instance, or sports and other extracurricular activities the child participates in. It is important to make sure the receipts are organized, so it’s possible to search through them and find the right one if necessary.

Create a Plan for What to Request

Work with the lawyer to create a plan for the modification request. Take some time to review your budget and determine what is needed if the child support order is modified. It is a good idea to work closely with the lawyer on this, as they can help create a plan that’s more likely to be accepted by the judge when the case goes to court. 

Child support payments can be controversial, so when a modification is needed, it’s crucial to make sure you’re prepared. The first step should always be to speak with a lawyer about your situation, as they can provide advice on how to move forward and ensure you are able to win the modification. Schedule a consultation with a lawyer today to learn more. 

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About the Author: Alex

Alex Jones is a writer and blogger who expresses ideas and thoughts through writings. He loves to get engaged with the readers who are seeking for informative content on various niches over the internet. He is a featured blogger at various high authority blogs and magazines in which He is sharing research-based content with the vast online community.

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