How To Choose The Best Comedy Night In Your Area

Comedy nights are a fantastic way to freshen up your nights out and make memories with friends, but not all comedy nights are created equal! London is home to some of the best comedy nights in the world and also, sadly, some of the worst. It’s not just a case of picking the one nearest to you, or you might be stuck in an empty bar with some open micers that can’t afford therapy! Instead find the best one in your area.

Looking at the comedians that clubs book, along with the venue itself, is all part of finding the best comedy club and we are here to help with that!

Best Comedy Night

The Venue

A lot of comedy nights are hosted in a lot of different venues, and it’s an integral part of the experience of the night. Not only does the venue contribute to the ambience and atmosphere of the night but also to the actual talent you’ll see!

For example, when looking for a comedy night, try to prioritise a comedy club as opposed to a bar that just hosts comedy nights. Comedy clubs will have purpose built rooms with low ceilings and fantastic acoustics so that you feel as part of the action as possible. Bars will have lots of other stuff going on which can mess with the flow of a comedy night and of course get in the way of your laughs! Comedy clubs are also more likely to book actual pro comedians as opposed to open mic comedy performers that have only just started, this is crucial as you’ll see later in this article.

The location of the venue is super important too, just in terms of your night out! If it’s well connected and surrounded by other bars or clubs then chances are you’ll be able to have a fantastic night out even after the show too. Big Belly Comedy Club for example is based in the heart of Vauxhall, it’s easy to get to, always has an audience and is surrounded by a rich nightlife scene for after the show.

The Comedians

It doesn’t take a genius to figure out that the kind of comedians you’ll get at a comedy night will influence the night! Not all comedians are created equally, there are levels to the comedy game and the best clubs will often book the best comedians. Look out for any names that you recognise from TV shows or online, if a club can attract them it means they’re trusted and will be able to provide a fantastic audience.

Make sure you also look to see if there are any specific types of comedians on the lineup, some comedy nights might just play host to dark comics and if that’s not your vibe then find somewhere else. Similarly, if they’re an alternative comedy club then it might not be for everyone too. A lot of comedy clubs will have some info about the comedians on their website so do a little bit of research beforehand and see if there’s anyone that takes your fancy! You might even discover the new

The Audience

Comedy events can be just as much about the people in attendance as they are about the comedians themselves. Both the size and general style of the venue will affect what kind of audience is brought in, along with the individual audience of the comedians!

Larger venues mean larger audiences! These can be a lot of fun to be swept up in, and when the comedians know how to work this size of a crowd you’re in for a treat. On the flipside, smaller more intimate venues can play host to some incredible shows where the connection with the audience is unparalleled.

Some comedy events even have specific themes that are meant to draw in a certain audience or dedicate a specific event to a certain kind of comedy. The more you know about an event ahead of time, the easier it becomes to decide if it fits with your preferred kind of comedy.

The Best Comedy Clubs In The World

To draw inspiration for when you’re looking for a comedy club in London, here are what we believe to be some of the best in the world:

London has many clubs so make sure you find the best for your ideal comedy night.

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About the Author: Alex

Alex Jones is a writer and blogger who expresses ideas and thoughts through writings. He loves to get engaged with the readers who are seeking for informative content on various niches over the internet. He is a featured blogger at various high authority blogs and magazines in which He is sharing research-based content with the vast online community.

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