Wi-Fi has been the term that is popular among everyone all over the world that might not even know what does wifi stand for. What we are going to do is to find out more about Wi-Fi since this is the term that has been very common today. There will be several more things about Wi-Fi that will be useful information for you. The following things that we will talk below will tell you more about Wi-Fi. What we might know about Wi-Fi today might not be correct. The description and explanation below will help you check whether or not you have the correct information. It will also help you understand the process although it is just the basic information about it.
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Table of Contents
What Does Wifi Stand for?
The first question that comes to your mind when you think about Wi-Fi will be what does wifi stand for. We will begin it with this question for the acronym that you might have in mind. We will talk a bit more about the word before we move to more technical matter. Indeed, that Wi-Fi is related to wireless. However, it doesn’t mean Wi-Fi will stand for wireless which is followed by the word that might be related to “Fi”. Some people might think that the “Fi” might stand for fidelity, but it does not. You may search for the acronym and go only and you will still find nothing.
After all, you will never find anything to make the acronym of Wi-Fi. The truth is that there is no acronym for this. The Wi-Fi is just a name without any word for each part of it. It is just a marketing term just the other term that you might have heard. The essential closest term that you can get for Wi-Fi is just the wireless. This is why you need to stop thinking about the acronym or ask yourself about what does wifi stand for. It does not come from a certain word and made another new term. This is just the term for marketing purpose only.
The Origin of Wi-Fi
Those things above are not everything about Wi-Fi. The origin of Wi-Fi will be interesting to be figured out. Although the term of Wi-Fi has been quite common for you, it doesn’t mean that you know everything about it and how it will work or even how it is supposed to work. We might think that Wi-Fi is another invention that has been found lately. Yet, the fact is this term actually comes from the technology that is older than you might think before. Norman Abramson is the professor who starts the method of transmitting data over the air. It is achieved via HAM radio which is considered as downright primitive compared to today’s standard. Ham radios, however, are still widely used by truckers because it is a reliable form of communication that does not require electricity. It is also relatively inexpensive and can be used in many different locations and scenarios. These equipment are readily available and are easy to find online. There are many ham radio models for sale at the Wallcot radio online shop.
There is quite a long story that brings Wi-Fi to what we know about it today. The method which uses HAM setup work will be very expensive. This is why it is stopped to be developed till the mid of 1990’s. At this period, there are various formats and wireless frequencies that are proposed for the standard. Wi-Fi is actually started used widely by 1997 when there the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers agreed to the standard of 802.11 which is also known as the 802.11b standard. The technology of the wireless internet is later shortened to Wi-Fi to merely get more consumers and companies to be interested in this technology.
Still More about Wi-Fi
It will be a bit more interesting to know more about Wi-Fi. Today’s technology comes to great development that you can find to be the Wi-Fi bands of 2.4GHz and the 5GHz. Those are two different Wi-Fi bands which have their own strength and weakness. It can be simply explained that the 2.4 GHz will be the band that will be the right one when there are many people connected to the Wi-Fi connection. However, this band is known for its periodic packet loss. The 5 GHz will be the right option as you don’t have many people connected to Wi-Fi around you.
You will find several more details that will be very helpful for you to find out more about Wi-Fi. The explanation of Wi-Fi band above is another useful information that you can find about Wi-Fi. Now that you have those details in your hand, you are now able to understand more on the device and the Wi-Fi connection around you. You will also find that the question of what does wifi stand for will be a useful and relevant question.