Is Sunlight Good Or Bad When You Have Psoriasis?

Psoriasis is a chronic skin condition that causes red, scaly patches of thickened and silvery skin.Psoriasis is a chronic skin disease that causes red, scaly patches to develop across the body. Usually, these patches are plaques that can be dry or moist and often itch. The condition can be highly uncomfortable and can make daily life difficult. It’s also possible that Sunlight offers many benefits for people with psoriasis. It helps prevent further worsening of the disease;while sunlight is not a cure for psoriasis, it can help to improve your symptoms and reduce the severity of your disease.

The primary way sunlight helps psoriatic patients is through its ability to change the skin. Sunlight also has many other benefits that can reduce symptoms of psoriasis. Scientists are studying the link between the sun and psoriasis. This research could lead to new treatments for inflammatory skin conditions. Keep reading to find out more on this topic.


Healing Potential of Sunlight

People with psoriasis are often told to stay out of the sun and use sunscreen at all times. While this may be true in some cases, you don’t need to protect your skin from the sun. If you have psoriasis and don’t get enough sun exposure, consider taking vitamin D for psoriasis through supplements or eating foods rich in this nutrient. Like most things in life — there are pros to getting sun exposure, and if you know what they are and when to apply them, you will be able to keep your skin healthy even while exposing it to sunlight:

Improves Sleep Quality:

Exposure to sunlight during your waking hours promotes melatonin production and may help you fall asleep faster at night, which could reduce stress levels and help you sleep better overall. Melatonin is an important hormone your brain produces that helps regulate sleep cycles and wakefulness during the day; it’s also known as “the candle” because it increases as darkness approaches night.

Is Sunlight Good Or Bad When You Have Psoriasis

Reduces Inflammation:

Sunlight can help reduce inflammation by increasing the production of nitric oxide, a chemical that relaxes blood vessels and reduces swelling in the skin. The heat from sunlight also helps kill off harmful bacteria on your skin, reducing itching and irritation associated with psoriasis. The good news is that sunlight can benefit people with psoriasis. Studies have shown that people with psoriasis who were exposed to sunlight experienced less pain after being scratched by a cat or had an allergic reaction to an antiseptic and reported less itching and burning than those who did not get sunlight exposure. Sunlight also helps to restore damaged skin cells and stimulate the growth of new ones.

Increases Collagen Production:

Sunlight may be suitable for psoriasis patients. It increases collagen production, which helps to reduce the symptoms of psoriasis. Collagen is a protein that helps keep your skin healthy and flexible. When you have psoriasis, your body produces more collagen than usual. The increased collagen production by sunlight can help reduce the appearance of deep-set areas on your skin that have lost their elasticity due to chronic inflammation.

Regulates Your Immune System:

Sunlight is good for psoriasis because it regulates your immune system. The sun’s ultraviolet rays help the body fight off infections and strengthen the immune system, which can help relieve symptoms of psoriasis.The sun’s rays are known for penetrating deep into our skin and warming our bodies on a cellular level. UVB rays from the sun can help boost your immune system by regulating your T and B cells.

The Right Amount of Sunlight

People with psoriasis produce less vitamin D because their skin is covered in lesions, which block sunlight from reaching the body’s surface cells. Sunlight can help your body produce vitamin D and relieve stress, which helps ease psoriasis symptoms. However, too much exposure to sunlight can make some people with psoriasis uncomfortable. If you have psoriasis and are concerned about the sun’s effect on your skin, you can minimize your time outside without being burned or becoming too tanned. If you choose to go outside during the day when it’s sunny, use sunscreen with an SPF rating of at least 15 or higher. You should also wear clothing that covers as much of your skin as possible to protect against UV rays.


The benefits of sun exposure for people with psoriasis are undeniable, even when the condition is moderate to severe. Sunlight exposure can be an excellent adjunctive therapy alongside traditional treatment methods like medication, UV light therapy, and topical treatments. The key is to get the right amount of exposure, which varies by individual and can be determined by a dermatologist. Sun exposure has the potential to help with the relief of symptoms and with the maintenance of remission.

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About the Author: Alex

Alex Jones is a writer and blogger who expresses ideas and thoughts through writings. He loves to get engaged with the readers who are seeking for informative content on various niches over the internet. He is a featured blogger at various high authority blogs and magazines in which He is sharing research-based content with the vast online community.

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