Kid’s Sunscreen – How To Determine The Right Product to Use

With all the kid’s sunscreen you’re presented with when you look for it, selecting the right option for your children can be difficult. The overriding importance of protecting your child’s skin is what really counts, however, so it’s something that needs to be focused on.

Essentially, there are a few major points that need to be considered when buying any type of sunscreen for children, with the following being right up there in terms of importance:

  • An SPF factor of at least 30
  • Broad spectrum protection i.e. protection against both UVA & UVB rays
  • Water-resistant for when they want to go into the pool

Kid’s Sunscreen

Is Mineral or Chemical Kid’s Sunscreen Better?

There are some differing opinions on this subject, but the consensus is that mineral sunscreens are better. They’re better for the skin, in that they don’t get absorbed by it, and they’re not harming the environment like chemical brands are – thanks to toxins like octinoxate and oxybenzone.

Chemical brands have existed since mass consumerism became a thing, but in recent years, as people have become more informed on the subject, mineral sunscreen has increased greatly in popularity.

Mineral Sunscreens Are Typically Thicker

Sure, mineral sunscreens are harder to apply, mainly because they have a thicker consistency, but the protection they provide is immediate and effective. Should you try to rub a mineral-based kid’s sunscreen into the skin in the usual way, you’ll normally find yourself in a white, sticky mess.

However, by applying it sparingly in equally-spaced dots all over the skin, the application is easy. In our opinion, it’s clearly the best option, but obviously, what you buy is your prerogative.

When to Apply Child Sunscreen?

Just as important as the type of kid’s sunscreen you use is when you use it. If using a chemical brand, then you’ll need to apply it roughly half an hour before they go out into the sun. That’s because it needs time to absorb before it can protect the skin.

When using a mineral brand, however, it works immediately, so no need to wait around. That said, you should still take the time to ensure that complete coverage is provided behind the neck, on the shoulders, ears, feet, and hands.

Getting the Right Kid’s Sunscreen Shouldn’t Be Traumatic

Finding and using the right sunscreen for your kids can seem really complicated, but it doesn’t have to be. Pick a good mineral sunscreen, learn how it’s applied by watching a couple of YouTube videos, and ensure that you use an SPF 30 or above. Everything else is academic.

Be sure to apply sunscreen to every area that gets exposed and get your kids involved if you can. Making a game of it is a great way to make it seem less like a chore and more fun.

Follow these basic rules and you’re already most of the way there. Just remember that you need to reapply every 2 hours if you’re staying out in the sun and that it should be even more frequent if your little ones are swimming or playing in the pool.

It really doesn’t need to be any more complicated than that.

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About the Author: Alex

Alex Jones is a writer and blogger who expresses ideas and thoughts through writings. He loves to get engaged with the readers who are seeking for informative content on various niches over the internet. He is a featured blogger at various high authority blogs and magazines in which He is sharing research-based content with the vast online community.

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