6 Benefits of Soy Lecithin for Your Skin

Finding all natural ways to stay healthy and beautiful is important to your long-term wellness. With so many products today using harmful chemicals, it is crucial that consumers advocate and research for themselves to find products and natural supplements that can help them achieve their health and beauty goals. You cannot depend upon the mass marketing of big corporations to protect you. It is up to you to do the research and find the products that work for you.

One such supplement is lecithin. Using lecithin in skin care can produce wonderful benefits for your skin. This quick guide will give you more information on this great supplement, where to find it, how to take it, and a few factors you should consider before adding it to your diet.

Benefits of Soy Lecithin for Your Skin

What Is Lecithin?

Lecithin is a fatty substance that is found in plant and animal products. Lecithin produces a number of health benefits, including benefits for your skin. This important compound can be attained through supplements or through food.

Lecithin as a supplement is extracted from the oil of soy beans or sunflowers. This article will focus on soy lecithin. We will look at each way that soy lecithin is beneficial to your skin.

Vitamin E

You probably already know that vitamin E is your skin’s favorite vitamin. Soy lecithin is loaded with skin loving vitamin E. When you can get vitamin E through food sources like lecithin, you get the best of both worlds.

Vitamin E has been proven to delay the aging of cells in our bodies. Because aging is most notable in our faces, it is here that we often want to focus anti-aging techniques. The vitamin E occurring in lecithin literally works from the inside out to improve the appearance of your skin and keep it looking younger longer. When there is ample amounts of vitamin E present, skin looks brighter, younger, and smoother.


Lecithin is also believed to assist with hydration. Dehydrated skin can often look tired, discolored, and saggy. It is often not enough to simply moisturize your skin. You can add all the moisturizer you want, but if your skin cannot retain that moisture, it will soon be dried out again. Lecithin can help the skin retain moisture. When you can keep skin adequately hydrated for long periods of time, you can actually start to see improvement in the way skin looks and feels permanently.


Lecithin provides important antioxidants that your skin needs to fight off free radicals in your body. Free radicals are one of the biggest contributors to premature aging. Finding all natural ways to combat free radicals is not only important to your skin’s appearance, but to your overall health as well. Free radicals have also been associated with cancer risks. Any healthy steps you can take to reduce free radicals in your body will contribute to long-term health.

Collagen Building

Collagen is a popular word in the world of skin care, but what is collagen? Collagen is the substance in skin that makes it look fresh, plump, and bright. As we age, collagen starts to decrease. Finding healthy ways to build collagen back up has been an objective of the cosmetics and skin care industry for a long time.

Lecithin is one way you can naturally start to build collagen back up in your skin to achieve younger looking skin.

Menopause Skin Care

During menopause, the entire body goes through changes. Many of these changes are challenging and it is important to find healthy ways to meet these challenges. Some of the skin challenges you may face during menopause include:

  • Lost collagen
  • Dehydration
  • Fine lines and wrinkles
  • Uneven skin tone
  • Loss of elasticity

All of this can seem overwhelming and discouraging, but supplements like lecithin can help. Many of these changes are due to hormonal changes in the body during menopause. Although this is all perfectly natural, many women still want to find natural ways to slow this process and keep their skin looking young and healthy for as long as possible. Lecithin can help.

Skin Disorders

Soy lecithin can also be used to help individuals who are suffering from skin disorders. Skin disorders are any type of health condition that primarily affects the skin. This can include eczema, psoriasis, acne, chronic dry skin, and more. Although there are many medications on the market to help with these types of disorders, many people also want to find natural ways to decrease their symptoms and help treat their issues. You should talk with your doctor before starting any supplement, but soy lecithin has been shown to help with these types of conditions.

These conditions are often associated with very dry itchy skin. Adding soy lecithin to your diet can greatly increase the amount of skin hydration. Although this may not cure your skin disorder, it certainly can help to alleviate some of your symptoms.

How Should I Take Lecithin?

There are different ways to get lecithin into your diet. The safest and most healthy way is always to start with food sources. Lecithin is found in abundance in soy products, red meat, organ meat, and cooked green vegetables. Because these are also healthy foods to consume anyway, you can add more of these to your diet without worrying about adverse health risks.

You can also add lecithin through supplements. If you do choose to use supplements, be sure to research the sourcing of the supplements and be sure you are purchasing from a reliable company.

Natural beauty products are also a great way to add lecithin directly to your skin. Today, many beauty and skin care products are adding lecithin to their products because of the wonderful skin benefits.

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About the Author: Alex

Alex Jones is a writer and blogger who expresses ideas and thoughts through writings. He loves to get engaged with the readers who are seeking for informative content on various niches over the internet. He is a featured blogger at various high authority blogs and magazines in which He is sharing research-based content with the vast online community.

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