How to Keep Your Furbabies Happy While You’re Away From Home

Leaving your cat or dog home alone leads to anxiety on both sides, but most pet parents have no option but to be away from home for hours each day. If you’re worried about your furry friends when you’re out, follow these tips to help them feel safe, healthy, and happy.

How to Keep Your Furbabies Happy While You're Away From Home

Give Them Plenty to Eat and Drink

A fed and watered pet is a happy one, and bowls full of fresh food and water will do much to keep them happy while you’re away. While most cats and dogs do well with constant access to food, others may not—so consult your vet or ask the experts at Play and Stay pet boarding for advice.

Prevent Boredom

While cats are usually content to doze the day away, dogs are more likely to get into mischief when they’re bored and everyone else is away. Keeping your babies occupied will keep their minds busy—and it will keep them out of trouble. Try:

  • Leaving the radio or TV on
  • Keeping the curtains or blinds open so your cat or dog can see what’s going on outside
  • Giving them toys that encourage active play

The pros at Play & Stay can offer more tips on keeping your pets occupied.

Give Them Some Company

Every dog has its day, and every pet should have a friend. If your budget and space allow it, bringing another cat or dog into the house will give your furry friend some much-needed animal companionship while you’re away. For families without the ability to take in another pet, hiring a walker or pet sitter will provide the attention a lonely furbaby needs.

Let Them Work It Out

If your work schedule permits, a morning or evening workout for your cat or dog is a great way for them to release stored energy. A quick walk, a short job, or a game of fetch are all fine ways to spend time with your pet while giving them the necessary exercise.

Put in a Pet Camera

Technology has done a lot for us, including allowing us to check in on our pets from anywhere. If it’s in the family budget, consider installing a camera to give you a glimpse into your pet’s life while you’re gone. Some pet-specific cameras allow owners to talk to their pets or distribute treats, which gives anxious animals the positive reinforcement they crave. Most indoor camera systems include alarms that warn of potential issues, so they’re a great investment.

Boarding Your Pets

If you’re going to be away for a few days or even weeks, boarding is a better option than leaving pets alone at home. At Play & Stay, your pets will receive the positive interaction and regular care they deserve, so they won’t feel lonely while you’re gone. While most animal hospitals offer boarding services, we take care of your healthy furbabies in a warm, welcoming, and friendly environment.

Follow These Tips for a Successful Trip and a Happy, Healthy Pet

Although most animals do well when left alone for a few hours, others suffer from separation anxiety. By following these easy tips and calling our team for advice when needed, you’ll reduce the stress on your furry friend while keeping them safe, comfortable, happy, and occupied.

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About the Author: Alex

Alex Jones is a writer and blogger who expresses ideas and thoughts through writings. He loves to get engaged with the readers who are seeking for informative content on various niches over the internet. He is a featured blogger at various high authority blogs and magazines in which He is sharing research-based content with the vast online community.

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