Maximizing Efficiency: How to Choose the Right Filling Machine

Manufacturers understand they must provide goods rapidly to keep up with customer demand. Consumers do not want to wait when they purchase something. They prefer to receive it as fast as possible and will shop around to get exactly that. To remain competitive, manufacturers must find ways to streamline operations.

Filling machines do exactly what their name suggests. They fill containers with contents accurately and consistently. When you need a filling machine, the right one must be selected to achieve the goals of increased productivity and improved quality. Consider the following factors when making this purchase.

How to Choose the Right Filling Machine

Throughput and Speed

The first thing to look at when comparing filling machines is how rapidly they can fill containers. However, speed isn’t the only consideration, as the contents of each container must be accurate. The goal is to find a machine that accurately fills containers rapidly without sacrificing quality.

Filling Accuracy and Consistency

Accuracy is important for more than one reason. If containers are over or underfilled, a company could be looking at product waste and regulatory issues. Consumers want value for their money, as well. If they feel they aren’t getting this value, they will take their business elsewhere. No company wants that. When comparing machines, look for one that dispenses the product with minimal variation from the target fill volume. Test the repeatability and choose a machine with features designed to ensure precise, repeatable fills. 

Container Compatibility

Can the machine handle the containers used by the manufacturer? A company that sells products in bottles won’t benefit from a machine that only fills pouches, regardless of how little it costs.  Choose a machine that can adapt to new container types as the business needs change. Flexible filling heads and the ability to adjust machine options are also important.


Many products must be packaged in a sanitary environment. Food and pharmaceutical products are at high risk of contamination if not handled properly. Choose a machine that is easy to clean and disinfect so cross-contamination is never a concern. Furthermore, the machine must be easy to clean so all hygiene standards can be met. Most manufacturers find a machine with smooth surfaces is easier to clean. Look for those units that offer tool-less disassembly and clean-in-place capabilities.

Automation and Controls

The efficiency of a filling machine increases drastically when it comes equipped with automated features and intuitive controls. Choose a machine with recipe management features, self-diagnostics, and programmable logic controllers so workers can focus on other tasks. When connected to the plant’s network and data systems, this machine can provide valuable insights that will help optimize the company’s performance.

Footprint and Ergonomics

Choose a machine that fits the size and layout of the workspace. It should not interfere with the workflow in any way and should allow for easy accessibility for operators. Furthermore, consider the machine’s design. Look for adjustable heights and intuitive controls so users are productive and comfortable.


No manufacturer can afford downtime today. When choosing a machine, look at its reliability record. Consider maintenance requirements, as well, because they may lead to downtime as the tasks are completed. Select a durable machine and ask about spare parts and service. No plant operator wants to learn a machine is down for an extended period because parts aren’t available or there is no repair company to do the work.

Look for a machine that meets the above requirements. When doing so, consider the company’s long-term goals. When this machine is found, operations become more efficient and the business is well-positioned for success.

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About the Author: Robin

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